Voices are how we generate speech. Selecting the right voice can help you convey the tone and emotions you desire.

Find details about our voices below.

VoiceLanguageVoice TypeDescription
SadeYorubaFeminineEnergectic, but breezy
FunmiYorubaFeminineCalm, can sometimes be fun.
SegunYorubaMasculineVibrant, yet cool.
FemiYorubaMasculineReally fun guy to interact with.
HasanHausaMasculineLoud and clear voice
AminaHausaFeminineA bit quiet and soft.
ZainabHausaFeminineClear, loud voice.
AliyuHausaMasculineSoft voice, cool tone.
ObinnaIgboMasculineLoud and clear voice
NgoziIgboFeminineA bit quiet and soft.
AmaraIgboFeminineClear, loud voice.
EbukaIgboMasculineSoft voice, cool tone.
JohnEnglishMasculineLoud and clear voice
LucyEnglishFeminineVery clear voice.
LinaEnglishFeminineClear, loud voice.
JudeEnglishMasculineSoft voice, cool tone.

More voices are coming to our platform very soon.