If Python isn’t your vibe, try using the ReST API directly. Go to the API Reference section. We’re working to add SDKs for more languages.

About API Keys

  • This is how you are identified on the Spith platform.
  • This is a Bearer token usually passed in the Authorization header of your request.
  • Every request that you send to the Spitch API mush be accompanied by your API key.
  • You can only have one valid API key at a time. We will improve key support soon.
  • Once you lose your API key, you have to generate a new one by refreshing on your dashboard.

Ensure you store your API keys properly. Once you refresh the dashboard page, you will not be able to see it in full.

Getting your API Key

To get your API key, go to https://dev.spi-tch.com. After logging in, an API key is automatically generated for you. To get a new key, click the refresh button next to your API key and confirm.

Refreshing your API key invalidates the previous one.

How to Use API Keys

Set the Authorization header appropriately. Find examples below.

For the Python SDK, you only have to set the SPITCH_API_KEY as an environment variable. os.environ["SPITCH_API_KEY"] = "my_api_key"

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.spi-tch.com/v1/speech \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer my_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \